With only few days left for Vishal Bharadwaj’s film ‘Rangoon’ to make it to the theatres, actress Kangana Ranaut is on her toes promoting the film. She is visiting places and having multiple media interactions to promote the film. Surprisingly, her co-stars Shahid Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan are nowhere to be seen in this promotional tour.
Never mind, we feel Kangana herself is more than enough to create a buzz around the film. Known for being a very blunt person, Kangana is creating quite a stir with her comments and interviews. In a recent one she spoke about her experience of kissing Shahid Kapoor for the movie.
Shahid and Kangana share quite a few intimate scenes in the film and it has been picturised tastefully. But for Kangana, kissing Shahid was a tragedy. In her interview she was quoted saying,”I don’t like intimate scenes in a film. They are the most difficult to shoot. You have a formal equation with someone and suddenly you are into each other’s mouth.”
Further she shared her experience kissing Shahid and said, “That big moustache of Shahid is horrible. It was such a tragedy of different level. When I asked him about it, he said he applies wax and has a running nose! It was getting messy and he was teasing me. I have intimate scenes with Saif too, but they aren’t that many.”
Oops! We would love to know Shahid’s reaction to this revelation of Kangana’s. Talking about ‘Rangoon’, the film will make it to the theatres on February 24, 2017.
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